Tainted Glass

Sometimes, someone has to speak for the other side

Friday, October 24, 2003

Highway fun

Here I was, cruising down the 401, when some nimrod decides to go about 2 feet behind me because I wasn't breaking the speed limit sufficiently. Ever the nice guy, I look to pull out of the lane, but there is a line of trucks to my right about a kilometer long.

Ah well, guess the guy behind me will have to wait a bit...

Turns out though that he doesn't like that idea, so he starts honking me and closes the gap to one foot, perhaps he was hoping to convince me to drive into the trucks on my right. Who knows?

Point is, of course, that I immediately started slowing down the car. Once I dip below 100km/hour he suddenly realizes what I am doing, and figures that another round of honking will help the situation. Obviously we are miscommunicating a bit, so I slow down to 70km/hour. Perhaps that will help the dialogue...

Finally, we actually end up falling behind the line of trucks, at which point I prepare to go to the middle lane but he has already beaten me there. He swerves in and out, and sticks up one of his fingers, hoping to insult me or something I guess.

The moral of the story? Don't tailgate someone when they can't get out of the lane even if they want to. There really isn't any point, and sometimes you'll run into people like me.


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