Tainted Glass

Sometimes, someone has to speak for the other side

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

The refreshing smell of rationality

From Segacs, Sen. David Tkachuk spoke out against our government's cowardly stance on Israel and the recent liquidation of Yassin.

What is of great concern to me is that we are starting to see a pattern of equivocation emerge. I fail to see how an equivocating position is good for Canadians as we witness the escalation of violence and the mounting death toll on both sides of the war. When one of Canada's ministers suggests that Israel behaved contrary to its obligations, I suggest this government is getting closer to condoning terrorist actions. When our media repeatedly defines Sheik Yassin as a spiritual leader, I disagree. I suggest that this bolsters terrorism itself. The "spiritualism" of Yassin would be considered a blasphemy by the Christian standards that I uphold, and I would suggest that the faith and values of Canada's other religions would not condone acts of extermination, something that Yassin's organization, the Hamas, holds as its mandate

I could not agree more, and I am very glad it was said. I honestly thought that the world would do nothing more than mouth off diplomatic platitudes after the assassination since they would all realize that it was an appropriate action. The obituaries to a terrorist though have sickened me, and I'm happy to find at least some small piece of sanity among this entire mess.


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