Tainted Glass

Sometimes, someone has to speak for the other side

Friday, January 02, 2004

Security Stupidity

They now have fighter jets tailing high risk flights as the enter US airspace, presumably to shoot them down should they try to do something sneaky like crash into a building.

I thought of another idea that would be equally as effective, but a bit cheaper. Instead of sending out fighter jets that cost tens of thousands of dollars a flight to run, just hire some people to monitor about 5 planes each by radio. Hook up the pilots to a heart-rate monitor as well. If the pilots scream or suddenly die, send out the fighter jets. Otherwise, stop with the military airshow and let people fly in peace.

Of course, it won't happen. The security measures are not actually there to improve security in any way, because they don't. The security measures are there as a PR exercise, designed to convince the joe shmoe voting american public that they are being taken care of.


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