Tainted Glass

Sometimes, someone has to speak for the other side

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

The Passion of Christ

I have not seen the movie yet, and I don't think I feel like contributing to the coffers of Mel Gibson. Therefore, I will probably wait until I can rent the movie or somehow acquire a bootleg version from the internet for some guilt-free viewing.

That said, it opened today to rave reviews from audience members... with a small catch of course:

An advance screening for church groups in Harlem on Tuesday held the audience in rapt attention...When Jesus was resurrected at the end a woman shouted "Hallelujah," and the audience burst into applause.

Obviously, this is like shooting fish in a barrel. The scary thing is that religious people are by nature already gullible and easily influenced, so if this movie is truly anti-semitic (and I'm not sure that it is), then it would be quite the negative event.

That said, many people are bringing up an interview with Mel Gibson's parents in which they are exposed as surpringly... different. Along with being holocaust deniers, they evidently think that 9/11 was caused by remote control. However, just because the Gibson's parents are anti-semitic, it does not follow that the movie is as well. I will be reserving judgement until such a time that I actually see it.


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