Tainted Glass

Sometimes, someone has to speak for the other side

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Martha Stewart

For those who have been camping out in the Northern Tundra, Martha Stewart was found guilty this week of lying. She wasn't actually charged with insider trading of course since that might have required some real proof. Anyhow, some random thoughts:

  1. Had her bid to subvert the great stock system been a resounding success, she might have picked up about $50,000. Now, to me, that's a lot of money, but to a billionaire (as Martha is) that's just pocket change. For comparison, $50,000 to her is like $50 to a millionaire, or about $5 for us average shmoes (and about, oh... -$5 for me).

    Would you risk years of jail for five bucks? I know I sure as hell would not, and I can't think of anyone who would.

  2. The "two counts of making false statements" thing annoys me. They found her guilty of lying about a crime they can't prove she committed.

  3. And what the hell is so wrong with insider trading anyway? Isn't that the whole raison d'etre of the stock market in the first place?

My point is, something stinks about the whole trial. I don't care how nice Martha's prison is, this entire sordid affair reeks of injustice to me. I hope she wins her appeal.

disclaimer: I don't own any Martha Omnimedia stock, nor do I buy her pillows.


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