Tainted Glass

Sometimes, someone has to speak for the other side

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Inconsiderate Smoking

A brief point of interest. While I was in Mexico, the smoking was rampant. While that in itself is not especially unexpected, the degree of insensitivity shown by the smokers towards the nonsmokers was rather disturbing. In closed theatres, restaurants, and bus line-ups people would go through packs of cigarettes right next to other people.

In one particularly egregious event, I was sitting down, and a woman stood next to me with her cigarette dangling about 2 inches from my face. I coughed to indicate my displeasure, she looked at me and continued to leave the offending item inches from my face.

Since I was on vacation, I didn't bother pushing the matter farther...

This would never happen in Canada. I thank our culture and I thank our laws. At the very least, if people smoke here, they mostly just poison themselves, not others.


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