Tainted Glass

Sometimes, someone has to speak for the other side

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

You would think they would know what to do by now...

Spanish beaches were cleared after a bomb scare. The Spanish response to such a terrorist outrage is obvious... they should capitulate immediately. Obviously, if it wasn't for the continuous Spanish oppression of the Basque people (and their subsequent poverty) then the ETA would have no need to engage in terrorism. I look forward to welcoming the new country of Basque to the United Nations in the near future.

However, in the off chance that Spain does not in fact immediately allow the creation of a Basque country, then I propose that the UN form a special committee to discuss the Basque situation, or at least pass a few resolutions condemning Spain. I mean, if Spain wasn't guilty, then it wouldn't have to be worried about terrorism, right?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I" mean, if Spain wasn't guilty, then it wouldn't have to be worried about terrorism, right"

Be careful with what you say, in Spain you can get 2 years of "preventive prison" (that means before even getting judged) for making such statements. Apology of terrorism, its called.

Appart from that warning, I overly agree with your post( except on the poverty issue). Of course, I would erase the ironic mood and actually mean every word. If the UN can solve our conflict, then welcome it. We are sick of this nonsense violence

Agur ta ondo ibili

Signed : A basque

August 15, 2004 at 2:43 p.m.  
Blogger Aleksu said...

Nice try at trying to be sarcastic.

Maybe you should know that the Basque Country is in fact one of the richest areas in Spain.

And that would be the reason why Franco, Hitler and Mussolini were hell bent in destroying the newly created Basque Republic in 1936, they wanted the resources!

This mess of violence and retaliation in the Basque Country was heightened by the PP's arrogance and their affiliation to the Francoist way of doing things.

Just in case you don't know, the President of the Partido Popular in Spain who goes by the last name of Fraga recently penned an introduction to a book that denies the Jewish Holocaust under the Nazis, Fraga was a minister under Franco, the dictator that was eased to power by Hitler, that goes well with your comment about Algeria and the flattening of the Earth by Israel. Now, that is what I would call ironic.

October 10, 2004 at 11:02 a.m.  
Anonymous cost of ivf treatment in delhi said...

Thanks for sharing…

April 17, 2019 at 4:56 a.m.  

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