Tainted Glass

Sometimes, someone has to speak for the other side

Friday, October 31, 2003

Gotta love the politicians

One of the main Tory boasts was that they were the only party that could balance the budget. After all, their last budget was balanced, and thats about as much proof as anyone needs, right?

Well, turns out that the Tories misrepresented the budget somewhat. Wait, thats not totally true, lets call a spade a spade here... they lied. If they were running a public corporation, they would be rotting in jail at the moment.

Of course, as soon as I heard this, I was curious what kind of excuses the Toronto Sun would be making up. After all, their motto during the election was that if we voted Liberal, we would have to "hold on to our pocketbooks" since the liberals had no sense of fiscal responsability.


Needless to say, I was not let down. Most of the regular columnists found a way to turn this complete fabrication into a bad mark on the Liberal party. The editorial mostly owned up to the fact that the Conservatives really pulled a fast one here, but even they had to get in their preparatory pot shot at McGuinty.


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