Tainted Glass

Sometimes, someone has to speak for the other side

Friday, December 19, 2003

Followup to that EU Poll

Remember a few weeks back when Europeans revealed who they thought was the biggest threat to world peace? There were some interesting candidates: India/Pakistan, China, Taiwan, Russia and sundry republics, North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Zimbabwe, etc.

But... the winner was Israel, by a wide margin. The biggest threat to world peace. We shook our collective heads and wondered what was screwing up the minds over at the EU; possibly the lack of genetically modified food, but more likely just standard anti-semitism.

Anyhow, a similar poll was commissioned for the states, and in quite the shocker it seems that Americans have a slightly better grasp of what is actually going on in the world than people in other countries. While they recognize that Israel is certainly a factor in international relations, they also realize that there are more dire and pressing threats.

Some points of interest:

The poll showed about 40 percent of Americans sympathize primarily with Israel in the Mideast conflict, compared to just 15 percent that sympathize with Palestinians, numbers Foxman said have remained consistent since 1991.


About 73 percent said the United States was more likely to be attacked by terrorists because of its support for Israel, but 62 percent who gave that answer said the support should continue anyway.

I think my respect for Americans just went up a notch...


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