Tainted Glass

Sometimes, someone has to speak for the other side

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Feminists, and their continual fight to alienate me

Offhand I would say that I am surprisingly gender-blind. I judge almost everyone I meet based on their intelligence, rarely on their looks and never on their gender. However, every now and then a group of feminists manages to piss me off and wonder if I should start a white-man's lobby group.

The latest fun comes from a "special issue" in the Concordia newsletter The Link where, as an introduction, the publishers explain the care they took to be as inclusive as possible when making the issue:

The Link...throws all those who identify as men out of the office and allows the women a Women Only Space to complete production of the paper.

I look forward to the male-only issue where we can discuss the falling rates of male participation in education at all levels (particularly university). Can we kick out all those who identify as female while we produce that issue?

Of course, as a bonus, they decide to dedicate the issue to some noteworthy women, and there are many out there. For Concordia, however, the choice is sadly predictable:

This year, The Link would like to dedicate the International Women's Day Issue to the memory of Zhara Kazemi and Rachel Corrie

Yup, Rachel Corrie, the genius who decided to step in front of a bulldozer. If she represented all women I would spend the rest of my days in a monastery. What does she have to do with the feminist cause? Absolutely nothing, they are pulling a classic kitchen sink argument here, and I'll explain what that means when I have time, right now I have to go to work.


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