Tainted Glass

Sometimes, someone has to speak for the other side

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Madrid Bombing

I think its important to take a world view on this situation.

The Americans are obviously pushing for Al-Qaeda to take the blame for the most recent spat of bombings, however, the original suspects remain the ETA. The question is, why would the ETA carry out such an attack on innocent civilians?

In 1978, Spain designated an autonomous Basque region with responsibility for education, health care, policing, and taxation. However, the Basque people are a linguistically and culturally distinct group, and have always yearned for independence. Sadly, the Basques have never had their own independent state.

Autonomy is not independence. Spain's continual repression of the Basque people is tantamount to an occupation, which is a war crime according to international law. By continuing to occupy the Basque region, Spain is instigating the Basque people to commit horrific acts like the one we saw last week.

The solution to this pseudo-complicated situation is easy, Spain simply has to acquiesce to the terrorists and allow the Basques to have their own homeland. Until Spain stops the occupation of a foreign people, the terrorist acts will continue and Spain will have nobody to blame but herself.


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