Tainted Glass

Sometimes, someone has to speak for the other side

Monday, April 12, 2004

Revenge for Yassin

Yassin, leader of the terrorist group Hamas, was killed on March 22nd. By tomorrow, we will be celebrating the 3 week anniversary of his demise.

Why is this notable? There hasn't been a single successful retaliation suicide bombing.

Remember, the Palestinians were calling for blood, to show Israel how wrong it was to go about killing innocent terrorist leaders. Everyone around the world expected that Israel would pay a price for daring to strike at the heart of its enemies. However, no price has been paid as of yet.

Obviously, the next successful attack will be touted as justifiable revenge for the killing of Yassin, but is that credible? Three full weeks without an attack is quite reasonable. If anything, it seems that Israel has been rewarded for the attack on Yassin with a period of relative calm.

The time has passed for Hamas to take revenge. The next successful suicide bombing will be one that would have occurred regardless if Yassin had been assassinated. The message to take home from this is that terrorism can be fought, as long as you have the resolve to take the necessary measures.


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