Tainted Glass

Sometimes, someone has to speak for the other side

Saturday, July 10, 2004

The continuing saga of Jeremy Hinzman: Professional Deserter

As you may recall, Jeremy is an American who volunteered for the army and got paid heaps of money to do so. Then, upon finding out that he might have to *gasp* do army stuff like go to Iraq, he ran to Canada trying to claim refugee status.

They are now appearing before the Immigration and Refugee board to plead their case, and their lawyer's argument can be summarized as follows:

"If you send Jeremy home, that just proves that Canada is a chicken. Bwaaak! Bwaaak! Bwaaak! Oh, and if we lose, it was all political."

I stand by my original position. Hinzman should be forced to work in a coal mine until he earns enough money to pay for some bus fare, then he should be deported.

Others may disagree, and there is an official website pleading the poor boy's case. The FAQ is interesting, at least he tries to present his side.


Blogger Kate Robinson said...

If this guy had such an objection to killing, maybe in basic training when he was screaming "kill!" as he stabbed his bayonet into man-shaped targets a little flag should have gone up and he should have quit. Nevertheless he waited until his fellow brave Soldiers needed him and now he's got this web site in his honor, and he's living the life in Toronto while his comrades fulfill their obligations and sacrifice life and limb. Regardless of their beliefs.

December 8, 2004 at 4:48 p.m.  

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