Tainted Glass

Sometimes, someone has to speak for the other side

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Partial Birth Abortions: Ok for now

Attempts by the anti-choice groups in the States to limit abortion rights have been dealt a setback.

A federal judge in San Francisco on Tuesday declared unconstitutional a law banning what critics call "partial birth abortions," saying the measure was too vaguely worded and placed an undue burden on abortion rights

Unfortunately, this case will almost certainly go to the Supreme court. That is why it is so important that Bush and company lose the upcoming election. If he gets elected for another term, he will be able to fill the US Supreme court with Justices that are willing to kowtow to the anti-choice line.

I'm not a fan of partial birth abortions, it makes the anti-choice argument easier because of the gory pictures and colourful descriptions. However, the principal is clear. As long as the fetus is leading a parasitic existence inside a host, its rights cannot possibly compete with the host. End of story.


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